Knoware Blog/News

Designing for a Data Future

Date: 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm 28th May 2015

Location: Westpac, Level 1, Optimation House, 1 Grey Street, Wellington

Selena Smeaton (Knoware’s intellectual lead for information governance) and Colin Harris (Knoware’s) Technical Director spoke at May’s lunchtime session for IITP (Institute of IT Professionals). The subject of their presentation is directly relevant for all of you working for both corporates and government.

“The promise of data has never had so much appeal as it has right now. Industries, organisations and data practitioners continue to debate, argue, deliberate and plot the data path from “insights to value”. Data governance methodologies, frameworks, tools and best practice approaches abound, analytics capability gets top billing at the Board table. Selena and Colin’s talk covers the ‘rules of the game’, what they mean for data governance, and get right down to details on what you actually need to consider at a grassroots solution design level.

For more information go to this link

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Designing for a Data Future